Kinesiology was originally developed by an American chiropractor called Dr. George Goodheart. This is called Applied Kinesiology and is for medically trained practitioners. He found that by testing muscles before and after he made a correction he achieved better results for his patients.
As time progressed he was able to make a connection between various muscles and acupuncture meridians. By testing these muscles the kinesiologist can get a picture of what is happening in your meridian system and how this is affecting you. Equally, the muscle testing may also show what has affected the meridians in the first place and indicate what is the best way to deal with that stress, be it emotional, physical, environmental, nutritional or mental. So kinesiology is a blend of the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and western techniques that allow a kinesiologist to treat you in a truly holistic manner. Each persons session is unique to them.
Kinesiology may establish connections between imbalances of our bodies energy which may establish what is the priority to be worked with and what is the most effective may to proceed. Dr. John Thie later went on to develop Touch For Health (TFH) with the blessing of Dr. Goodheart. TFH enabled laypeople to study this amazing modality and it is now practiced in most countries around the globe.
The kinesiology we teach at Progressive Kinesiology is based on Dr. John Thie's sharing of the original teaching from Applied Kinesiology which he called Touch for Health. Kinesiology helps with many areas of your life. It may help you to find your direction in life, feel happier, in control, help release pent up emotions that affect your health, and can help you find your life balance. You can learn this and in turn you can help others.
Kinesiology uses a range of therapeutic techniques. These may be able to restore balance to your energy system to help you maintain your health and well-being. Kinesiology also offers the kinesiologist the opportunity to draw on other healing techniques and integrate them into the session if appropriate. Some people consider kinesiology to be one of the best methods to use to uncover and help the underlying causes of common problems that we all face on a day to day basis. Muscle monitoring is the principal tool of kinesiology.
A limb is placed so that one of its muscles is in a contracted position and gentle pressure is applied to that muscle and the person is asked to match the pressure. This is not a test of the strength of the muscle but of how the muscle responds to the stimulus of the added pressure. The muscle will either remain in contraction or will unlock. At no time should the person experience pain or discomfort with the testing. How the muscle responds gives feedback and this is used to determine what the priority stresses are and the best way to address them.
Everyone can benefit - People of all ages - whatever their level of fitness or health - can benefit, including:
babies & children
Even healthy people will benefit from regular kinesiology treatments. Babies and people who cannot be muscle tested directly can be tested through a surrogate.
Kinesiology as described by The Kinesiology Federation:
'A bespoke treatment that’s as unique as you are, as any qualified Kinesiology Federation member would tell you there is no such thing as a "typical" kinesiology session. The content of each session depends on the client’s needs at that time. Everyone is different. For example, even the same client may have different needs after an argument with her boyfriend than when she has over indulged food wise for a few days. By treating each client as the unique individual they are, Kinesiology Federation members are better able to help you, the client, achieve a sense of health and wellbeing. Using a range of techniques the kinesiologist can then guide you to understand what kind of changes would best support your physical, emotional and mental health. This means that kinesiology can be seen as the therapeutic equivalent of buying couture clothes.” And kinesiology is not just for people who are feeling below par. It can help you perform better at work, in sport and in other areas of your life by working with a kinesiologist to identify what factors in your life you could do with more (or less) of'.